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As the primary interface for users to interact with Ethereum, wallets are essential in delivering Bolt's enhanced UX. With Bolt, wallets can enable sub-second, real-time interactions, making Ethereum feel as responsive as a typical web application.

Benefits of Wallet Integration

  1. Instant Transaction Confirmation: Users receive immediate feedback on transaction acceptance, enhancing user experience.
  2. Immediate State Updates: Wallets can update balances, nonces, and token holdings right after preconfirmations.
  3. Chained Transactions: Users can send multiple state-dependent transactions and receive instant responses.

Integration Approaches for Wallets

Wallets need to adapt to how they handle transaction confirmations to fully leverage Bolt's features.

We are exploring several methods for integration, and we welcome feedback to refine our design.

New JSON-RPC Endpoint: bolt_sendRawTransaction

WhatExtension of eth_sendRawTransaction returning a transaction hash and optional inclusion commitment
Benefits- Provides explicit preconfirmation data
- Enables immediate state updates
Considerations- Requires support for a new RPC method
- Involves handling commitments in existing workflows

Mocking Transaction Receipts

WhatSimulate transaction receipts before on-chain inclusion to provide immediate feedback
Benefits- Minimal wallet code changes
- Leverages existing receipt mechanisms
Considerations- Some fields (e.g., block hash) may not be accurately simulated
- Adjustments may be needed to handle simulated receipts
Collaborate with Us

We are actively exploring the optimal solution for integration. Feedback from wallet teams is crucial to deliver the best user experience.

Reach out if you're eager to collaborate and help take Ethereum UX to new heights!